Hey! I am Jashanpreet!

I am an amateur astrophysicist and a science student from India. I have a deep passion for astronomy and spend most of my time analyzing astronomical data and conducting research on supernovae and star formation rate in early galaxies. As the president of Dingrastro Club, I have organized several events and webinars on various topics, including dark matter and Type 1a supernova. (Never heard of that? Don't worry about it! Here is the recordings). I stood third in 2021 International Astronomy and Astrophysics completition (IAAC), you can check my certificate here

Aside from my research, I enjoy astrophotography as a hobby, capturing the beauty of the night sky through my telescope. My ultimate goal is to become an astrophysicist and specialize in AGN galaxies, superonave, black holes, and dark matter. Only recently, I wrote my first paper exploring the lightcurve of type Ia supernovae (see Research below), where I investigated the redshift and reccessional velocity of the supernova and discovered a nova with a reccessional velocity much close to speed of light with errorbar. All in all: Very exciting, check it out!

Prior to that, I completed my secondary education from Kaintal School (ICSE) and am currently in high school as a non-medical student at The Millennium School (CBSE) , preparing for the JEE examination for admission to the prestigious IISC Bangalore, India. On this website, you will find my research, writings, and musings about the universe, and I hope to inspire others to share my passion for astrophysics.


I have always been intrigued by the vast expanse of our universe and the mysteries it holds. It is a subject that never fails to captivate the minds of both children and adults alike. Recently, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the AACK Astronomy Club of Kosovo to organize an international webinar on space science. The webinar was a tremendous success, and I was thrilled to see so many enthusiastic young minds eager to learn about the wonders of space. Together, we delved into the depths of the universe, exploring everything from the planets in our solar system to the farthest reaches of our galaxy. Through this collaboration, I was able to provide a unique learning experience for the children in my neighborhood, and I am grateful for the support and resources provided by the AACK Astronomy Club of Kosovo. The webinar not only provided an opportunity to learn about space science, but it also helped to cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder among the children. I love to encourage other students to explore the world around them. Collaborations like these provide an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and ideas with others, and I look forward to future collaborations with the AACK Astronomy Club of Kosovo and other organizations that share our passion for space science.