SFR correlation with the mass and metallicity of galaxies


My analysis (data from SDSS DR7) revealed a positive correlation between SFR and the mass of galaxies, indicating that larger galaxies have higher rates of star formation. Additionally, I observed a positive correlation between galaxy mass and metallicity, suggesting that more massive galaxies have higher metallicity.

SDSS3: Type IA Supernovae redshift ≤ 0.5

analysis on the basis of there respective distances


I found that the distance from supernova has a positive correlation with the recessional velocity. Morever here we discovered a supernova with reccessional velocity 0.8 times the speed of light and is 1000-1500 Mpc away from us.

Simulation that predicts Mars opposition


I prediction the next 100 years mars opposition using python simulation.

Sun 24 hour analysis from SDO data


I analysised fits data of horsehead nebula using astropy.